Rock Star Leadership Academy

Most rock stars aren't born. They're nurtured.

The Rock Star Leadership Academy introduces the essential skills needed to become successful contributors and leaders who can motivate others, embrace change, communicate effectively, encourage collaboration, and reward and respect innovation.

Successful workplaces emphasize emotional intelligence. Organizations that do this report higher levels of productivity and better employee engagement than those that don't, according to Harvard Business Review.

After years working with thousands of professionals – in many walks of life, in dozens of large and small organizations – the outcome is The Rock Star Leadership Academy.

Build Your Town's Own Leadership Academy

The Academy's unique half-day interactive workshops are designed to help people maximize their personal potential, become better employees and impact their own success while creating a culture of success with others. Built to be tailored to your organization's unique interests, The Academy focuses on town professionals' growth, their effective communication, healthy collaboration, and how they motivate themselves and their teams to perform and innovate –

The Rock Star Leadership Academy Half-Day Workshops


It's not just time management. It's focus management, energy management and results management. With too many distractions in the way of important work, this workshop uses real world examples to optimize, organize and maximize productivity every day.

Participants learn to:

  • Apply the Golden Rules of time management
  • Recognize and manage their real priorities
  • Plan their work and work their plan
  • Defeat procrastination
  • Create an action list that gets results daily


Once a tool for actors and entertainers, professionals are now getting in on the act. They're finding improv to be a valuable skill to promote innovation, collaboration, creativity and leadership. Improv activities combined with practical learning helps everyone apply their own new approach immediately.

Participants learn to:

  • Develop a culture of collaboration and trust
  • Actively listen for the most important ideas
  • Build and improve on the concepts of others 
  • Explore others' views to uncover the best outcomes
  • Apply "yes, and" to promote innovation and improvement


Professionals are constantly put on the spot in meetings, when presenting, pitching ideas or simply answering questions in everyday conversations. Mastering communications in the moment with confidence and poise makes for a more engaging outcome.

Participants learn to:

  • Deliver a response with poise and confidence
  • Use the power of the pause to take control
  • Clarify to uncover the essence of the question or concern
  • Develop a logical, organized and articulate response
  • Manage and leverage anxiety for a positive outcome


In order to survive and excel in this economic climate, all organizations need to be flexible yet resilient as demands change and evolve at a rapid pace. Recognizing, accepting and embracing change moves professionals to surpass the status quo and achieve continued successes.

Participants learn to:

  • Understand the personal and business impact of change
  • Distinguish the six emotions and stages of change
  • Apply strategies to unravel reactions and to move forward
  • Leverage each other to build positive forward momentum
  • Embrace and share the positive results that change brings


Coaching is the process of equipping people with the tools, knowledge and opportunities they need to develop themselves. Mentoring suggests working with others for long-term personal and career growth. By combining these ideas, all professional colleagues can help and coach each other for greater positive growth.

Participants learn to:

  • Build rapport and trust while confronting difficult situations
  • Listen and ask the questions needed to uncover existing challenges
  • Provide feedback that encourages personal development
  • Align expectations with realistic options to move forward
  • Give accolades that build self-esteem


The people who show confidence, speak comfortably to groups and influence others, advance quickly in life. Strong presentation skills in any situation are core to professional success and personal accomplishment.

Participants learn to:

  • Open their presentation with immediate impact
  • Overcome stage fright and project confidence
  • Develop a presentation that captures the attention
  • Be creative using stories, structure and props
  • Conclude in a memorable way


Managers don't manage people. They manage projects and, hopefully, lead people. Tasked with achieving results, true leaders need to support, challenge and inspire their teams to perform at their best. Motivated employees change the dynamics of an entire organization and its trajectory for success.

Participants learn to:

  • Identify the difference between managing and leading
  • Delegate effectively to produce excellent outcomes
  • Use decision-making approaches that lead to sound planning
  • Apply innovative techniques to strategic thinking
  • Approach difficult conversation with confidence


Professionals at all levels must rely upon sound communi-cation for positive working relationships. Through self-assess-ments, group activities and role plays, it comes down to interacting with others in flexible ways that build trust.

Participants learn to:

  • Recognize their own style and how it affects others
  • Eliminate communication roadblocks
  • Influence others by adjusting to their communication style
  • Enhance listening to anticipate and avoid misunderstanding
  • Build collaborative relationships based on trust and respect


In today's business environment, we are judged by how we service our customers and how we service ourselves. How we make people feel, what they remember about our interaction, and what keeps them coming back is the key to delivering extraordinary customer service.

Participants learn to:

  • Adapt innovation to customer service response
  • Use small wins to make a big impact
  • Create a memorable interaction that lasts
  • Go above and beyond to build trust and loyalty
  • Maximize your strengths in every situation


Whether at home or in the workplace, conflict is inevitable. If ignored or handled ineffectively, conflict can create hostility and disengagement. If managed properly, conflict can lead to positive results, better relationship, personal growth, and greater success in business.

Participants learn to:

  • Recognize conflict is healthy and can lead to better outcomes
  • Understand how they react in situations of conflict
  • Explore the root of the conflict to pinpoint the best outcome
  • Modify their behavior based on expectations and the situation
  • Adapt to the reactions of others who are under stress

Who Started this Rock Star Academy in the First Place?

As an author, speaker, trainer and coach focused on achieving the high priority goals in life and at work, Orna Drawas has had the pleasure to coach and mentor thousands of remarkable and talented professionals in government, non-profits and businesses large and small.

Orna makes sense of what it takes to be a positive influence at work and in life. She believes we're all rock star in waiting.