
Dear Orna: My plate is full but my boss always hands me additional projects. I always say YES because I don't want him to think I'm incompetent. How can I say NO without sounding like a loser? Signed: BURNED OUT

Dear BURNED OUT: Too many people today are paranoid about losing their job so they are afraid to say: "No!" to their boss. But keep in mind, if you're stressed out and burned out, the quality of your work will suffer . . .
Dear Orna: I have been in my current position at my company for over three years, but my new boss micro-manages my every move. How can I get her to stop?
~Signed: Stop Stalking Me!

Dear 'Stop Stalking Me': I feel your pain. A micromanager can be very frustrating, but you have to remember that your (micro)-manager is your boss, so you don't want to antagonize her. Here is your dose of reality: if your manager is micromanaging you, she obviously feels uncomfortable about something - even if it has nothing to do with you . . .
Dear Orna: I haven't had a raise in 3 years, but I work really hard and I know I am doing a terrific job. How do I get my boss to give me a raise?
~ Signed: I am worth more!

Dear I Am Worth More: There are only two good reasons your boss will give you a raise: (1) You make him look good by adding value to his work, or (2) You help improve the company's bottom line. If you believe . . . .
Dear Orna: Last week I presented a new idea to my boss, but she rejected it. Yesterday, she presented the same idea to her boss, and he loved it. She took all the credit! Do I have to put up with that because she is my boss?
~ Signed: Outraged!!!

Dear Outraged!: I don't blame you for being outraged. That does not sound fair, but before you get even more outraged . . .
Dear Orna: My plate is full, but my boss constantly hands me additional projects. I always say YES because I don't want him to think I'm incompetent. But I am overwhelmed. How can I say NO without sounding like a loser?
~ Signed: Burned Out

Dear Burned Out: Many people today are paranoid about losing their job so they are afraid to say, "No" to their boss. But keep in mind, if you're stressed and burned out, the quality of your work will suffer . . .
Dear Orna: It seems that curse words have become a natural part of daily language. I like to pepper my comments with swear words but my roommate says that swearing at work will hurt my career? Will it?
~Signed: What the F#%@&*^!!

Dear WHAT THE F#%@&*^!!: I won't just give you my opinion, I will give you some freakin' facts, first! According to a recent Career Builder survey, over half of workers admit to swearing at the office. Of that group, 95% said they do so in front of their co-workers and 51% curse in front of their boss. But the study also indicated . . .
Dear Orna: My boss is a bully. Every day is like going into battle. He yells and screams at me if front of others, insults my best efforts and talks behind my back. I feel intimidated and am afraid to go in to work. How can I better manage this horrible situation?
~ Signed: No More Mr. Nice Guy

Dear NO-MORE-MR.-NICE-GUY: Bullying in the workplace is as bad as abuse in the home. Whether it's a co-worker who constantly talks over you at meetings, a boss who makes jokes at your expense or a team that leaves you out of key events . . .
Dear Orna: We have free speech in this country, right? So can I 'diss' my boss or company on my own Facebook page? My roommate says I'll get fired. Will I?
~Signed: Say What I Want!

Dear SAY WHAT I WANT: I feel your frustration, but not sure your solution will work. The legal answer to the question is: It's complicated. It depends of what you say and how you say it. Under the National Labor Relations Act, workers have the right to discuss their wages and conditions of employment when it involves two or more employees . . .
Dear Orna: My boss is a bully. She rolls her eyes and displays obvious signs of irritation. She can be very mean to me in front of other people, too. I work hard and try to do the best I can, but her attitude is hurtful and demoralizing. Please help!
~ Signed: Tired of Being Bullied!

Dear TIRED OF BEING BULLIED: My heart goes out to you. When it comes to managers, there are all types: demanding, micromanaging, hands-off or even relaxed. But the worst kind to deal with is the bully . . .
Dear Orna: My BOSSY co-worker is driving me crazy. She doesn't give suggestions; she gives orders! How can I cope?
~ Signed: Not a Chump

Dear NOT A CHUMP: You are right to be annoyed. Coping with a bossy co-worker not only interferes with your job, it can also erode your self-esteem and embarrass you in front of others. And the longer it goes on .......