
Always Wear Clean Underwear and Other Motherly Wisdom That Still Applies Today.

"Always wear clean underwear," said Mom. Advise as relevant in 1915 as it is in 2015!

Listen up if you use Facebook or Instagram . . . this one's for you! What was literal in 1915 applies to your virtual and digital underwear in 2015. You never know who will be following you online and making quick assumptions about your values and perspectives - so be careful . . .

"Always wear clean underwear," said Mom. Advise as relevant in 2023 as it was in 1923!

Listen up if you use Facebook or Instagram (or anything else) . . . this one's for you! What was literal in 1923 applies to your virtual and digital underwear in 2023. You never know who will be following you online, and making quick assumptions about your values, professionalism, competence, and perspectives based on your knee-jerk posts and ego-driven selfies.

I've known more than a handful of "professionals" who regretted their Facebook rants or Instagram pictures when that dream job fell through or that promotion never materialized. Remember - don't hang your dirty laundry online!

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression." Thanks again, Mom! And like Vegas, what happens on the Internet, stays on the Internet. Be discreet. Try to be mature. And please, don't over-share. TMI is not a virtue.

"Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn't mean you should too." And as an afterthought, Mom would then remind us: "Idiots do stupid things and sometimes, lots of idiots do the same stupid thing!" Who knew Mom was so brilliant? Consider this, if you always follow the crowd, you will never stand out; you will never be unique and you will never be the best. Be bold. Find your own, smarter, path!

One more thing, "Life isn't fair!" Stop pretending that you are the only one who has had bad, unexpected things happen to them. Everyone lives in the same crazy, erratic, and unpredictable universe and your life isn't any worse than anyone else's. And ponder this, most of those things that are unfair, are probably your fault. So get over it. Accept it. If life is fair when good things happen, then it's also fair when things don't go your way.

This Mother's Day, be sure to thank Mom for all her timeless wisdom!



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